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Milan - Italy


During the workshop will be put in place a series of actions, a symbolic nature, the end result will be a picture, photo, able to endure over time, as a track. The students and the collective Alterazioni Video will discuss together the above actions, actions designed by the same group. The first day we will analyze the meaning of activism as well as actions by the program. The second and third day this symbolic act will be as it were transported in two different areas of the city, 2 and Milan Navigli district.
Result: a series of photos released on the network through a specially created blog and, above all, sending those photos to the press, not just local.

As for symbolic actions planned, the first is the 'occupation' of a small islet in the lake of Milan 2, and will last as long as necessary to establish the set from which triggered the "click" the picture. The second will see the construction of a bridge of ropes on the waterway which the scale, and on top of which is once again triggered photography. Even here, the action the last time in the preparation of the set. The third action, finally, will be considered in a Luminaria, which consists in choosing a sentence above, which will be displayed somewhere on the waterway.


It 'been very tough, since there were on course and the sea was rough, but we finally arrived. Today, Wednesday 17 December 2008, at 11, the (put symbol 'claim) assumes jurisdiction of the Swan Lake, a Milano 2, Segrate. On these shores, in 1979, took place early accumulation. Was identified with the fundamental structure. An aroma of chewingum are scattered throughout the country, like a curse, like a light wind, a stun mucosa. Even in this case, they felt more the scent of the sea. Today, Wednesday December 17 2008, annus horribilis, at 11, the island will be dissolved dall'incantesimo, since it is clear that the filter wizard has now exhausted its effect. The Gabibbo is lined with Caritas, the great crisis has arrived. Boooom Bim Bam! A smokescreen is released onto the water and, if the winds are in our favor, come to overshadow the windows of the editorial staff, offices, meeting rooms. Good millenovecentoventinove!

Link to news paper article




